Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 8th Edition

Chalice of Chaos
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Enchanted Item10 points

One use only. The bearer of the Chalice of Chaos may drink from it at the start of any phase. If he chooses to do so, roll a D6 and consult the table below.




Unworthy Fool: The imbiber immediately suffers a Wound, with no saves of any kind allowed.


Inhuman Speed: The imbiber gains the Always Strikes First special rule until the end of the turn.


Regenerating Flesh: The imbiber gains the Regeneration special rule until the end of the turn.


Dark Fortune: The imbiber gains a 5+ Ward Save until the end of the turn.


Daemonic Strength: The imbiber gains the Killing Blow special rule until the end of the turn.


Final Transformation: If the imbiber is already a Daemon Prince, he instead treats this result as Unworthy Fool. Otherwise, he must immediately take a Leadership test. If passed, he is gifted with Daemonhood, as described on the Eye of the Gods table. If failed, he is gifted with Spawndom as described on the same table.