Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 8th Edition

Poisoned Wind Mortar
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RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

The Poisoned Wind Mortar fires like a Stone Thrower with the following exceptions:

  • The Poisoned Wind Mortar may move and fire.

  • The Poisoned Wind Mortar can fire at any visible target or, if the Weapon Team is within 3" of its parent unit, it can use their line of sight to fire.

  • If the target is not visible to the Poisoned Wind Mortar, then the shot will scatter double the distance rolled on the artillery dice unless a hit is rolled. Should a misfire be rolled, consult the below chart.

The Poisoned Wind Mortar is a Warpstone Weapon and uses the small round template. Any single model that lies under the direct centre of the template takes a wound on a dice roll of 4+ with no armour saves allowed. All other models touched by the template take a wound on a 5+ with no armour saves. The mortar crew and Poisoned Wind Globadier only suffer a wound on a roll of 5+ when touched by any part of the template.




Foomph! Place the large round template centred on the Weapon Team. Models touched by the blast are wounded on a 4+ with no armour saves allowed. The Poisoned Wind Mortar is then removed.


Wildly off Target: The opponent can place the template anywhere he likes within 3D6" of the intended position. Resolve hits as normal.


Clogged: No firing may take place this turn.

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