Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 8th Edition

Steam Boiler Mishap Table
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Valve Locked: Roll a D6. On a 1–2, you cannot expend Steam Points in the Steam Engine this turn. On a 3–4, you cannot expend Steam Points in the Steam Gun this turn. On a 5–6, you cannot expend Steam Points in the Steam Cannon this turn.


Minor Leak: The Steam Tank immediately loses D3 Steam Points.


Emergency Vent: The Steam Tank immediately loses D6 Steam Points. The Steam Tank, and any unit in base contact, immediately suffers 2D6 Strength 2 hits, distributed as from shooting (roll for each unit).


Dangerous Overpressure: Roll a D3. The Steam Tank immediately gains a number of Steam Points and loses a number of Wounds equal to the result.


Kaboom! All units within 6" of the Steam Tank (friend or foe) immediately suffer 2D6 Strength 4 hits, distributed as from shooting (roll for each unit). After resolving any damage, the Steam Tank is removed as a casualty.

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