Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 8th Edition

Carriage Hauler
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The Iron Daemon may haul one or more steam carriages behind it. If this is the case, they are treated as attached to the Iron Daemon model and move as it moves. They must though be targeted separately by shooting attacks if they can be seen. If the carriages are charged, they may be attacked separately as normal, but unless the Iron Daemon is also engaged, the carriages may not be locked in combat, and the whole train may move on in the next turn.

If the Iron Daemon itself or a carriage 'ahead' in the train is destroyed, any carriages left behind are stranded. Weapons mounted on carriages attached in a train may only fire if the Iron Daemon is stationary that turn.

The Iron Daemon may haul a single carriage without a reduction in its movement. It may haul two carriages, but if it does so, its basic movement is reduced to 3". The Iron Daemon may 'uncouple' its carriages (either the rearmost or both, but not a 'middle' one obviously) at the start of any of its Movement phases, leaving them behind. The Iron Daemon may go on to act normally but the steam carriage model counts as moving that turn. When uncoupled, the carriage may be deployed facing in any direction the owning player wishes on the turn it is detached. Steam carriages may not be re-coupled during the game.

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