Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 8th Edition

Magic Summary
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  1. Roll for Winds of Magic

    The Winds of Magic are generated by rolling 2D6. The strength of the Winds of Magic will determine how many power dice the casting player has, as well as how many dispel dice the dispelling player has.

  2. Cast

    One of the casting player's Wizards now attempts to cast a spell, using power dice. If the casting attempt fails, that Wizard cannot attempt another this turn.

  3. Dispel

    If the spell was cast, one of the dispelling player's Wizards can now attempt to counter the spell using dispel dice. If the dispelling player does not have any Wizards, a dispel can still be attempted, but the number of dice is limited.

  4. Spell Resolution

    Assuming the spell has been cast and not dispelled, its effect is now applied.

  5. Next Spell

    Repeat steps 2 through 4 until the casting player cannot cast, or no longer wishes to cast, any more spells.

Previous - The Magic Phase Sequence

Next - Roll for Winds of Magic