Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 8th Edition

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Magic Weapon85 points

Always Strikes Last. Requires Two Hands. In close combat, the wielder of the Siegebreaker has +2 Strength. Roll To Hit against the enemy's Initiative instead of his Weapon Skill, and no Parry saves are allowed. In addition, when assaulting models in a building, the wielder can make a 'Siegebreaker Attack' instead of attacking normally in the Close Combat phase (though he may still Stomp). A Siegebreaker Attack inflicts D6 hits with a Strength equal to the height of the building in inches, up to a maximum Strength of 10 (so, for example, models in a building that is 6 inches high would suffer D6 Strength 6 hits. Measure from the base of the building to its highest point.