A unit that is not fleeing and not engaged in combat can attempt to make a swift reform during the Remaining Moves sub-phase, if it has a musician, by taking a Leadership test before it moves. If the test is passed, the unit immediately makes a swift reform – if failed, the unit makes a normal reform instead, with all the penalties that apply (see the Movement chapter). A swift reform is treated exactly like a reform manoeuvre, however such is the speed and efficiency with which the reform was carried out that the following exceptions apply:
A unit that has made a swift reform can immediately make a full normal move, even though a reform would normally prevent it from doing so. Note that a unit that carries out a swift reform cannot march – they haven't been that swift!
A unit that has made a swift reform can still shoot, although it will count as moving, whether or not it moves further after the reform has been completed. This means that it will suffer the -1 modifier for moving and firing, and will not be able to shoot Move or Fire weapons (such as crossbows).